API Postman documentation:

If you wish to test out the LedFx API in your postman software, click top right button ‘Run in Postman’. You can also view Example Request and Example Response found on the righthand side on a maximised browser window.

The REST APIs are undergoing active development, so some of the below APIs may change in time. APIs marked as (upcoming) are yet to be added.


Information about LedFx


Returns basic information about the LedFx instance as JSON

  "url": "",
  "name": "LedFx",
  "version": "0.3.0"


LedFx Configuration


Returns the current configuration for LedFx as JSON

/api/log (upcoming)

LedFx Logging


Returns the error logs for the currently active LedFx session


LedFx Schema Api

GET /api/schema/

Returns all LedFx schemas for devices, effects, and integrations as JSON


Query a specific LedFx schema with the matching schema_type as JSON

GET /api/schema/<schema_type>

Returns the LedFx schema with the matching schema_type as JSON

  • devices: Returns all the devices registered with LedFx

  • effects: Returns all the valid schemas for an LedFx effect

  • integrations: Returns all the integrations registered with LedFx


Query and manage devices connected to LedFx


Get configuration of all devices


Adds a new device to LedFx based on the provided JSON configuration


Query and manage a specific device with the matching device_id as JSON


Returns information about the device


Modifies the information pertaining to the device and returns the new device as JSON


Deletes a device with the matching device_id


Query and manage all effects


Returns all the effects currently created in LedFx as JSON

POST (upcoming)

Create a new Effect based on the provided JSON configuration


Query and manage a specific effect with the matching effect_id as JSON


Returns information about the effect

PUT (upcoming)

Modifies the configuration of the effect and returns the new configuration as JSON

DELETE (upcoming)

Deletes the effect with the matching effect_id.


Endpoint linking devices to effects with the matching device_id as JSON


Returns the active effect config of a device


Update the active effect config of a device based on the provided JSON configuration If config given is “RANDOMIZE”, the active effect config will be automatically generated to random values


Set the device to a new effect based on the provided JSON configuration


Clear the active effect of a device


Endpoint linking devices to effect presets (pre-configured effect configs) with the matching device_id as JSON


Get preset effect configs for active effect of a device


Set active effect config of device to a preset


Save configuration of device’s active effect as a custom preset for that effect


Clear effect of a device


Endpoint for querying and managing presets (pre-configured effect configs) for each effect with the matching effect_id as JSON


Get all presets for an effect


Rename a preset


Delete a preset


Endpoint for managing scenes. Active effects and configs of all devices can be saved as a “scene”.


Get all saved scenes


Set effects and configs of all devices to those specified in a scene


Save effect configuration of devices as a scene


Delete a scene


Endpoint for managing integrations. Integrations are written to allow ledfx to communicate with other software, and vice versa.


Get info of all integrations Optional, send request body to get specific info of integrations Any of: [“id”, “type”, “active”, “status”, “data”, “config”]



STATUS REFERENCE 0: disconnected 1: connected 2: disconnecting 3: connecting


Toggle an integration on or off


  "id": "myqlc"


Create a new integration, or update an existing one

  "type": "qlc",
  "config": {
      "description": "QLC Test",
      "ip_address": "",
      "name": "myQLC+",
      "port": 9999
  "type": "spotify",
  "config": {
      "description": "Spotify triggers for party",
      "name": "Party Spotify"


Delete an integration, erasing all its configuration and data.

  "id": "myqlc"

NOTE: This does not turn off the integration, it deletes it entirely! (though it will first turn off..)


Endpoint for querying and managing a QLC integration.


Returns info from the QLC+ integration.

Specify “info”, one of: ["event_types", "qlc_widgets", "qlc_listeners"]

event_types: retrieves a list of all the types of events and associated filters a qlc listener can subscribe to

qlc_widgets: retrieves a list of all the widgets that can be modified, formatted as [(ID, Type, Name),…] for “type”:

  • “Buttons” can be set to either off (0) or on (255)

  • “Audio Triggers” are either off (0) or on (255)

  • “Sliders” can be anywhere between 0 and 255

qlc_listeners: retrieves a list of all of the events that QLC is listening to, and their associated widget value payloads

  "info": "qlc_listeners"


Toggle a QLC+ event listener on or off, so that it will or will not send its payload to set QLC+ widgets

  "event_type": "scene_set",
  "event_filter": {
      "scene_name": "My Scene"


Add a new QLC event listener and QLC+ payload or update an existing one if it exists with same event_type and event_filter The “qlc_payload” is a dict of {“widget_id”: value} that will be sent to QLC+

  "event_type": "scene_set",
  "event_filter": {
      "scene_name": "My Scene"
  "qlc_payload": {


Delete a QLC event listener, and associated payload data.

  "event_type": "scene_set",
  "event_filter": {
      "scene_name": "My Scene"

NOTE: This does not turn off the integration, it deletes it entirely! (though it will first turn off..)


Endpoint for querying and managing a Spotify integration.


Get all the song triggers


Update a song trigger [TODO]


Create a new song trigger

  "scene_id": "my_scene",
  "song_id": "347956287364597",
  "song_name": "Really Cool Song",
  "song_position": "43764"


Delete a song trigger

  "trigger_id": "Really Cool Song - 43764"

WebSocket API

In addition to the REST APIs LedFx has a WebSocket API for streaming realtime data. The primary use for this is for things like effect visualizations in the frontend.

Will document this further once it is more well defined. The general structure will be event registration based.